EU Genres 088

EU Genres 088 References

List of cited references and recent publications of participants concerning the projet

Ajmone Marsan P., Egidy G., Monfredini S., Di Silvestro S., Motto M. 1993 RAPD markers in maize genetics analysis. Maydica, 38, 259-264.

Ajmone Marsan P., Livini C., Melchinger A.E., Messmer M., Motto M. 1992 Cluster analysis of RFLP data from related maize inbred lines of the BSSS and LSC heterotic groups and comparison with pedigree data. Euphytica, 60, 139-148.

Ajmone Marsan P., Monfredini G., Ludwig W.F., Melchinger A.E., Franceschini P., Pagnotto G., Motto M. 1994 Identification of genomic regions affecting plant height and their relationship with grain yield in an elite maize cross. Maydica, 2, 133-139.

Ajmone Marsan, P.A., Castiglioni, P., Fusari, F., Kuiper, M. & Motto, M. (1998). Genetic diversity and its relationship to hybrid performance in maize as revealed by RFLP and AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 96, 219-227.

Boukema, I.W. & Vanhintum, T.J.L. (1998). The European Brassica database- Invited Paper. In Brassica 97 (Thomas, G. and Monteiro, A.A. eds.), International Societ, pp. 249-254.

Boyat A, Gouesnard B, Abecassis J, Chaurand M, Malvar R, Revilla P, et Panouillé A.1993 Xenia effect and variability for semolina milling value of flint kernel maize. 06 Jun 1993; Bergamo, Italy: Proceedings of the XVIth conference of the Eucarpia Maize and Sorgho Section.Bianchi A, Lupotto E, et Motto M. 338p. Breeding and molecular biology : accomplishments and future promises.

Boyat A, Gouesnard B, Dallard J, Abecassis J, Chaurand M, Malvar R, Revilla P, Ordas A, Panouillé A, Monteagudo I, et Alvarez A.1994 Variabilité génétique pour la valeur semoulière et les caractères agronomiques de populations et lignées de maïs a grain corné. 20 Sep 1994; Bordeaux, France: INRA-ITCF- AGPM. Recueil des communications du colloque qualité et débouchés du maïs.

Brandolini A.G. 1969 European races of maize. Proc 24th Ann Corn and Sorghum Research Conference, 36- 48.

Brichette, P. Castro and J. Moreno-Gonzalez. (2000). Actualizacion de la calibracion NIRS para estimar la digestibilidad de la materia organica en 28 ecotipos de maiz del norte de Espana. III Reunion Ibérica de Pastos y Forrajes : 391-397.

Brichette, P. Castro, A. Lopez and J. Moreno-Gonzalez. (2000). Determinacion de la variabilidad de 395 ecotipos de maiz forrajero para la digestibilidad de la materia organica mediante NIRS. I Seminario de Mejora Genética Vegetal : 55-58.

Butron, A., Malvar, R.A., Velasco, P., Cartea, M.E. & Ordas, A. (1998a). Combining abilities and reciprocal effects for maize ear resistance to pink stem borer. Maydica 43, 117-122.

Butron, A., Malvar, R.A., Velasco, P., Revilla, P. & Ordas, A. (1998b). Defense mechanisms of maize against pink stem borer. Crop Sci 38, 1159-1163.

Butron, A., Malvar, R.A., Cartea, M.E., Ordas, A., Velasco, P. (1999). Resistance of maize inbreds to pink stem borer. Crop Sci. 39:102-107.

Cartea, M.E., Malvar, R.A., Revilla, P., Ordas, A., Alvarez, A. (1994). Seasonal ocurence and response of maize inbred lines to pink stem borer in the Northwest of Spain. Maydica 39:191-196.(/P>

Cartea, M.E., Malvar, R.A., Revilla, P., Ordas, A., (1996). Improvement of early vigor and adaptation of sweet corn to the European Atlantic coast with open-pollinated field corn populations. MAydica 41:119-125.

Cartea, M.E., Malvar, R.A., Revilla, P. & Ordas, A. (1996). Identification of field corn populations to improve sweet corn for Atlantic European conditions. Crop Sci 36, 1506-1512.

Cordero, A., Malvar, R.A., Butron, A., Revilla, P., Velasco, P. & Ordas, A. (1998). Population dynamics and life-cycle of corn borers in South Atlantic European Coast. Maydica 43, 5-12.

Dallard, J., Noël, P., Gouesnard, B. and Boyat, A. (2000). A network for the management of genetic resources of maize populations in France. Plant Genetics Resources Newsletter, 123, 35-40.

Dubreuil P., Charcosset A.. 1998. Genetic diversity within and among maize populations : a comparison between isozyme and nuclear RFLP loci. Theor Appl Genet , 96: 577-587.

Gallais A., Duval H., Garnier P., et Charcosset A..1992. Un exemple de gestion des ressources génétiques en vue de la selection. Paris: BRG. Actes du colloque en hommage à Jean Pernès : complexes d’espèces, flux de gènes et ressources génétiques des plantes.

Garnier, P. , 1992 Contribution à l’étude de la variabilité génétique inter et intra population chez le maïs (Zea mays L.): valorisation d’informations agromorphologiques et enzymatiques. Thèse de doctorat de l’INAPG.

Gauthier, P., Gouesnard, B., Dallard, J., Redaelli, R., Rebourg, C., Charcosset, A. and Boyat, A. (paper in preparation). RFLP diversity and relationships among European maize populations.

Gouesnard B., Sanou J., Panouillé A., Bourion V., Boyat A.. Evaluation of agronomic traits and analysis of exotic germplasm polymorphism in adapted x exotic maize crosses. Theor Appl Genet, 92, 368-374.

Gouesnard, B., Dallard, J., Panouille, A. & Boyat, A. (1997). Classification of French maize populations based on morphological traits. Agronomie 17, 491-498.

Gritti O., Bertolini M., Motto M. 1994 Recurrent selection for increased seed size in maize. Maydica, 39, 149- 154.

Groupe maïs DGAP-INRA et Promaïs.1994 Cooperative program for management and utilization of maize genetic resources. 15 Mar 1994; Clermont-Ferrand, France: Proccedings of the genetic resources section meeting of EUCARPIA. Balfourier F et Perretant MR. 63p. Evaluation and exploitation of genetic resources pre-breeding.

Hammer K, Knuffer H, Xhuveli L, Perrino P. 1996 Estimating genetic erosion in landraces – Two case studies. Genet Resourc Crop. Evolution, 43, 329-336.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, and H. Knüpffer, 1995. Duplication within and between germplasm collections. I Identifying duplication on the basis of passport data. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 42: 127-133.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, and D.L. Visser, 1995. Duplication within and between germplasm collections. II Duplication in four European barley collections. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 42: 135-145.

Hintum Th.J.L. van, 1994. Comparison of marker systems and construction of a core collection in a pedigree of European spring barley. Theor Appl Genet, 89, 991-997.

Hintum Th.J.L.van, Boukema I.W., Visser D.L. 1996 Reduction of duplication in a Brassica oleracea germplasm collection. Genet Resour Crop Evolution, 43, 343-349

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, and Soest L.J.M. van, 1997. Conservation of plant genetic resources in the Netherlands. Plant Varieties & Seeds 10: 145-152.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, and T. Hodgkin, 1997. Applying molecular markers to ex situ collections. IPGRI Newsletter for Europe 12: 4.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, 1998. The General Methodology for Creating a Core Collection. Annual Meeting Abstracts, Crop Science Society of America, p. 163.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, T. Hodgkin, O. Seberg, J. Peleman, A. Karp and R.Ebberink, 1998. Molecular markers for genebanks: application of marker technology for the improvement of ex situ germplasm conservation methodology. Abstract. In: Proceedings of an EC Life Sciences Demonstration Conference, 11-14 October, 1998, Uppsala, Sweden. p 59.

Hintum, Th.J.L. van, and I.W. Boukema, 1999. Genetic Resources of Leafy vegetables. Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables ’99, Proceedings of the Eucarpia Meeting on Leafy Vegetables Genetics and Breeding, Olomouc, the Czech Republic, 8-11 June, 1999. Palacky University Olomouc. pp 59-71.

Hondrogianni K, Sfakianakis JN, Evgenidis G, Bletos E, Papastefanou S, Angelidis N, Lazaridou T, et Thanasoulopoulos K.1994 Meleti tou Genetikou Ylikou os pros tin Antohi tou sto Fouzario (Fusarium moniliforme Scheld). (A study on maize germplasm for tolerance to Fusarium disease (Fusarium moniliforme Scheld)). 5th Congress of Greek Society for Plant Breeding and Genetics. 289p.

Lavergne V., Lefort-Buson M., Daudin J.J., Charcosset A., Sampoux J.P., Gallais A. 1991 Genetic variability among populations of maize germplasm. 1. comparative analysis of top cross values and per se values of populations. Maydica, 36, 227-236.

Lefort-Buson M., Lavergne V., Daudin J.J., Charcosset A., Sampoux J.P., Gallais A. 1991 Genetic variability among populations of maize germplam. 2. enzymatic polymorphism and its relationship to quantitative trait diversity. Maydica, 36, 237-246.

Livini C., Ajmone Marsan P., Melchinger A.E., Messmer M., Motto M. 1992 Genetic diversity of inbred lines within and among heterotic groups revealed by RFLPs. Theor Appl Genet, 84, 17-25.

Llaurado M., Moreno-Gonzalez J. 1993 Classification of northern Spanish populations of maize by numerical taxonomy. 1. Morphological traits. Maydica, 38, 15-21.

Llaurado M., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Arus P. 1993 Classification of Northern Spanish Populations of Maize by Methods of Numerical Taxonomy .2. Isozyme Variation. Maydica, 4, 249-258.

Lux, H., Hammer, K.1994. Molecular markers and genetic diversity – Some experiences from the genebank. 15 Mars 1994; Clermont-Ferrand, France: Proceedings of the genetic resources section meeting of EUCARPIA. Balfourier F et Perretant MR. 63p. Evaluation and exploitation of genetic resources pre-breeding.

Malvar R.A., Cartea M.E., Revilla P., Ordas A., Alvarez A., Mansilla J.P., (1993). Sources of resistance to pink stem borer and European corn borer in maize. Maydica 38:313-319.

Malvar R.A., Ordas A., Revilla P., Cartea M.E. 1996 Estimates of genetic variances in two Spanish populations of maize. Crop Sci, 36, 291-295.

Malvar, R.A., Revilla, P., Cartea, M.E. & Ordas, A. (1997). Field corn inbreds to improve sweet corn hybrids for early vigor and adaptation to European conditions. Maydica 42, 247-255.

Malvar, R.A., Cartea, M.E., Revilla, P., Ordas, A. (1997). Identification of field corn inbreds adapted to Europe to improve agronomic performance of sweet corn hybrids. Crop Sci. 37:1134-1141.

Melchinger A.E., Lee M., Lamkey K.R., Hallauer A.R., Woodman W.L. 1990 Genetic diversity for restriction fragment length polymorphisms and heterosis for diallel sets of maize inbreds. Theor Appl Genet, 80, 488-496.

Michel D., Salamini F., Motto M., Doring H.P. 1994 An unstable allele at the maize Opaque2 locus is caused by the insertion of a double Ac element. Mol Gen Genet, 3, 334-342.

Morenogonzalez, J. & Crossa, J. (1998). Combining genotype, environment and attribute variables in regression models for predicting the cell-means of multi-environment cultivar trials. Theor Appl Genet 96, 803-811.

Morenogonzalez, J., Ramosgourcy, F. & Losada, E. (1997). Breeding potential of European flint and earliness- selected US corn belt dent maize populations. Crop Sci 37, 1475-1481.

Ordas, A. (1991). Heterosis in crosses between American and Spanish populations of maize. Crop Sci. 31:931-935.

Ordas, A., Alvarez, A., Malvar, RA. (1988). Variability of resistance to the second generation of European corn borer in maize. Maydica 33:27-36.

Ordas A., Malvar R.A., Deron A.M. (1994) Relationships among American and Spanish populations of maize. Euphytica, 79, 149-161.

Panouille, A., Anglade, P., Boyat, A., Gouesnard, B., Vible, J.C. & Dupin, M. (1998). Assessment of 10 years of maize pedigree breeding for European corn borer tolerance and high-yielding combining ability. Agronomie 18, 299-308.

Rebourg, C. (2000). Diversité génétique de populations européennes et américaines de maïs : Analyse moléculaire et morphologique. Thèse de Doctorat, Université Paris-Sud.

Revilla, P., Malvar, R.A., Cartea, M.E. & Ordas, A. (1998a). Identifying open-pollinated populations of field corn as sources of cold tolerance for improving sweet corn. Euphytica 101, 239-247.

Revilla, P., Soengas, P., Malvar, R.A., Cartea, M.E. & Ordas, A. (1998). Isozyme variation and historical relationships among the maize races of Spain. Maydica 43, 175-182.

Revilla, P., Vales, M.I., Malvar, R.A. & Ordas, A. (1997). Allozyme frequencies, heterozygosity and genetic distances following S-1 recurrent selection in two synthetic maize populations. Theor Appl Genet 95, 1057-1061.

Rizzi, E., Balconi, C., Bosio, D., Nembrini, L., Morselli, A. & Motto, M. (1996). Accumulation and partitioning of nitrogen among plant parts in the high and low protein strains of maize. Maydica 41, 325-332.

Sfakianakis J.N. (1994). I Epilogi aftosingenikon ikogenion se dio plithismous kalampokiou me dokimastes dio epithimites kathares sires. (Selfed progeny selection in two populations of maize with two elite inbred lines as testers). Geotechnic scientific, 5, 60-64.

Sfakianakis J.N. (1995). Single-cross hybrid development in maize by reciprocal half-sib selection. Crop Sci, 35, 101-103.

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The project is suppported by the European Commission under the Genetic Resources in Agriculture Programme. The contents of these pages is the sole responsibility of its publishers. These pages in no way represent the views of the Commission or its services.
They have been achieved in collaboration with « Th.J.L. van Hintum » and Herman Nijland. Last updated 6/04/2000 by Régine Aliaga. Comments and questions to : Jacques Dallard.