EU Genres 088
EU Genres 088 Partners
Expertise and role of the participants
- Coordination and Partner 1: INRA, Montpellier, France
- Partner 2: CPRO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands
- Partner 3: CIAM, La Coruña, Spain
- Partner 4: CSIC, Pontevedra, Spain
- Partner 5: ISC, Bergamo, Italy
- Partner 6: NAGREF, Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
- Partner 7: IPK, Gatersleben, Germany
- Partner 8: BPGV, Braga, Portugal
- Partner 9: Pro-Maîs, Paris, France
Coordination and Partner 1
Unité Mixte de Recherche »Diversité et Génome des Plantes Cultivées »
Domaine de Melgueil
34130 Mauguio
Coordinator : Jacques DALLARD
Tel : 33 4 67 29 06 17
Fax : 33 4 67 29 39 90
E.mail : dallard@ensam.inra.fr
Contact persons : Armand BOYAT, Brigitte GOUESNARD and Perrine GAUTHIER
Tel : 33 4 67 29 06 16 and 33 4 67 29 06 17
Fax : 33 4 67 29 39 90
E.mail : boyat@ensam.inra.fr and gouesnard@ensam.inra.fr
Contributor : Alain CHARCOSSET
Manmonth : 140
Methodology of use and management of genetic resources are the main topic of the Unité de Formation et de Recherche de Génétique et Amélioration des Plantes (UFR.GAP). The maize laboratory of this unit has been in charge of the Programme Populations Sources Maïs (PPS), in which were involved 5 INRA laboratories and 16 private breeding companies (Gallais et al, 1992). First, 1236 populations have been gathered and characterised for per se value and cross value in multilocal trials. New materials has been constituted on the basis of earliness, combining ability group and utilisation as grain maize or green maize, by pooling 20 to 40 populations. Further, these pools were evaluated and then improved by crossing with elite material and by a recurrent selection cycle (Groupe maïs DGAP-INRA et ProMaïs, 1994). Studies had been undertaken on structuration of the genetic variability among populations based on enzymatic polymorphism (Lavergne, 1988 ; Lefort-Buson et al., 1991 ; Garnier, 1992). Presently, RFLP polymorphism is investigated in order to obtain a new structuration of populations, by the use of individual plants mixture. This technic has been elaborated at the INRA Station de Génétique Végétale in Gif/Yvette (Dubreuil et Charcosset, 1996). Work is going on French maize landraces in order to constitute a core-collection.
UFR GAP is experienced in the management of UE programme : « Structuration of the variability, maize breeding for industrial use and adapted to Mediterranean European countries » which lasted from 1989 and 1993 between three partners. This programme has studied maize landraces for their hominy content in order to constitute breeding pools with elite lines (Boyat et al., 1993, 1994). Genetic variability of exotic x adapted germplasm pools has also been analyzed in relation with isoenzymatic polymorphism (Gouesnard et al., 1996).
Partner 2
Centre For Genetic Resources In Netherlands (CGN)
P.O.Box 16
6700 AA Wageningen
Contact person : Theo van HINTUM
Tel : 31 3 17 47 70 78
Fax : 31 3 17 41 80 94
E mail : th.j.l.vanhintum@Plant.Wag-UR.nl Manmonth : 4.5
CGN is part of CPRO, an institute of the Department of Agricultural Research (DLO). It is specialised in plant genetic resources conservation and management. Nearly 20000 plant accessions of 16 groups of agricultural and horticultural crops are stored under optimal conditions. Characterisation is conducted by using descriptors lists developed in cooperation with IPGRI.
Rationalisation of collections is a major objective for CGN. CGN has experience in the rationalisation of collections of a number of crops (van Hintum, 1994 ; van Hintum and Visser, 1995 ; van Hintum et al., 1996). CGN has set up European data base and core-collection of Brassica oleracea (Bras-EDB). There is a close cooperation with some working group of the European Cooperative Programme on Genetic Resources (ECP/GR).
CGN manages a collection of about 1000 maize accessions and among them 285 maize landraces. The maize collection is regularly regenerated and available to users. Accessions are characterized for a set of 15 agro-morphological traits, according to a minimal descriptors list developped with the advice of private breeding firms. The passport data and available characterisation are documented in GENIS (Genetic resources Information System).
Partner 3
Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo (CIAM)
Apartado de Corrreos nø 10
15080 La Coruña
Contact person : Jesus MORENO-GONZALEZ
Tel : 34 981 67 30 00
Fax : 34 981 67 36 56
Email : moreno_ciam@igatel.igape.es
Contributors : E. LOSADA, A. LOPEZ and I. BRICHETTE
Manmonth : 138
The germplasm bank of CIAM has a collection of 750 maize accessions including 650 local varieties from the north of Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and Basque Country) collected in the seventies and eighties and stored in cold room. Regeneration of some populations with low viability is in progress. Additionally, recording of secondary morphological characterization traits has been made in several populations.
Studies on variability structuration of 86 local maize landraces have been carried out by using morphological traits and isoenzymes (Llaurado and Moreno-Gonzalez, 1993 ; Llaurado et al., 1993). The team has experiences in statistical analysis for grouping and clustering.
Partner 4
Mision Biologica de Galicia
Apartado de Correos 28
36080 Pontevedra
Contact person : Amando ORDAS
Tel : 34 986 85 48 00
Fax : 34 986 84 13 52
E mail : aordas@cesga.es Contributors : Rosana Anna MALVAR, Angel ALVAREZ, Pedro REVILLA
Manmonth : 20
The germplasm bank of the Mision Biologica de Galicia was established in 1928. It is experienced about maize germplasm management and characterisation. A new collection of 420 accessions was built in the seventies consisting of new accessions collected mainly in Galicia (220). It also includes the collection of Prof. Sanchez-Monge and populations managed in the Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei near Zaragossa (800 landraces) out of which 750 were sampled from different regions of Spain along many years.
Morphological characterisation and variability structuration have been studied on Galician landraces, in relation with other Spanish populations and Corn Belt American varieties (Ord s et al., 1994 ; Malvar et al., 1996).
Partner 5
Sezione di Bergamo
Via Stezzano, 24
24126 Bergamo
Contact person : Mario MOTTO
Tel : 39 35 31 31 32
Fax : 39 35 31 60 54
Contributors : Rita REDAELI, Alberto VERDERIO, Marco BERTOLINI, Nicola BERARDO
Manmonth : 57
E mail : motto@tin.it
The major maize Italian collection is stored at the Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura in Bergamo whose breeding programme manages maize inbreds, synthetics and landraces (620). The Germplasm Institute (Istituto del Germoplasma) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Bari stores also 600 maize landraces from collecting missions in the Mediterranean area. An important work of European landraces’ description has been realised by Brandolini (1969).
Works in Bergamo focuse on physiological processes affecting nitrogen use efficiency and storage (Gritti et al., 1994 ; Michel et al., 1994). It uses morphological traits and molecular parameters (RFLPs, AFLP, isozymes) for mapping and characterisation (Livini et al., 1992 ; Ajmone Marsan et al., 1992, 1993, 1994). There is an important need for conservation, regeneration and more generally management of maize genetic resources in Italy.
Partner 6
Cereal Institute
P.O.Box 312
57001 Thermi-Thessaloniki
Contact person : Georgios EVGENIDIS
Tel : 30 31 47 15 44
Fax : 30 31 47 12 09
E mail : cerealin@mail.otenet.gr
Manmonth : 62
In Greece attempts to rescue old landraces started in the mid-sixties. Collections are maintained at the Cereal Institute of Thessaloniki (71 accessions) and at the Gene Bank which was founded later and established in the same area (184 accessions). A high degree of duplication is expected between these two collections. Characterization of these landraces is not complete yet and no evaluation has been carried out so far.
The maize programme of Cereal Institute includes breeding by recurrent selection on crosses between populations developed from exotic x adapted inbred lines, screening for disease resistance and landraces management (Hondrogianni et al., 1994 ; Sfakianakis, 1994, 1995). Fertilization, drought tolerance are also studied.
Partner 7
Corensstrasse 3
06466 Gatersleben
Contact person : Andreas BOERNER
Tel : 49 3 94 82 52 80
Fax : 49 3 94 82 51 39
E mail : boerner@ipk-gatersleben.de
Manmonth : 8
The largest maize genetic resources collection (1273 accessions) is maintained by IPK in Gatersleben. This genebank manages accessions belonging to many agricultural plants. A smaller collection of 53 accessions is held by the Institute of Crop Science in Braunschweig. Accessions of IPK are fully evaluated and passport data are available from the two genebanks. IPK intends to use molecular markers (PCR and DNA fingerprinting) for characterisation of accessions, coupled with morphological characters to evaluate genetic variability (Lux and Hammer, 1994). Estimation of genetic erosion in landraces over about fifty years have been estimated, complementarity between ex situ and in situ conservation is explained (Hammer et al., 1996).
Partner 8
Quinta dos Peoes – Gualtar
4700 Braga
Contact person : Ana Maria BARATA
Tel : 35 12 53 62 17 11
Fax : 35 12 53 62 51 01
Contributors : Rena Martins FARIAS, Filomena ROCHA MARCELINO, Silas PEGO
Manmonth : 23
Since 1975, BPGV has been carrying out systematic germplasm collecting and was able to save most of the Portuguese maize landraces (760), together with the minor components of the traditional agricultural systems. A long term storage system has been established. In the framework of its commitment as the IPGRI Maize Base Collection for the Mediterranean region, the BPGV holds a total of 6632 maize accessions, comprising 1740 landraces out of which 1166 have been already characterised, breeding materials, inbred lines (4526) and genepools (366). Three catalogues with the data of 900 accessions already characterised have been published during summer 1996.
Partner 9
2, rue du Colonel Driant
75000 Paris
Contact person : Jean-Pierre MONOD
Tel : 33 1 42 33 25 05
Fax : 33 1 40 26 02 85
e-mail : FRASEMA@wanadoo.fr
Manmonth : 70
Pro-Maîs is a professional organisation gathering all the 25 seed companies working in France. It is the preferential partner of INRA since a long time for management of maize genetic resources. From 1983 until 1994 it has actively participated to the Programme Populations Sources Maîs (PPS) which resulted in new knowledge and new materials, as described upper with INRA activities. From 1993, an important programme of regeneration has been undertaken with the participation of INRA. Working contribution will result in regenerating 270 maize landraces during 3 years.
The project is supported by the European Commission under the Genetic Resources in Agriculture Programme. The contents of these pages is the sole responsability of its publisher(s). These pages in no way represent the views of the Commission or its services.
They have been achieved in collaboration with « Th.J.L. van Hintum » and Herman Nijland. Last update 6/04/2000 by Régine Aliaga. Comments and questions to: Jacques Dallard.