Download MStrat4.1

Download MStrat4.1 MSTRAT (for distribution via internet) MSTRAT is a program for building germplasm core collections by maximizing allelic or phenotypic richness. A paper on MSTRAT has been published in Journal of Heredity: Gouesnard B., Bataillon T.M., Decoux G., Rozale C., Schoen D.J., David J.L (2001). « MSTRAT: An Algorithm for Building Germ Plasm Core Collections … Lire la suite


European Commission DG Agriculture Project Partners Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) Unité de Formation et de Recherche Génétique et Amélioration des Plantes de Montpellier (UFR GAP) Centre for plant breeding and reproduction research (CPRO-DLO) Centre For Genetic Resources In The Netherlands (CGN) Institut fur pflanzengenetik und kulturpflanzenforshung (IPK) … Lire la suite


EU Genres 088 References List of cited references and recent publications of participants concerning the projet Ajmone Marsan P., Egidy G., Monfredini S., Di Silvestro S., Motto M. 1993 RAPD markers in maize genetics analysis. Maydica, 38, 259-264. Ajmone Marsan P., Livini C., Melchinger A.E., Messmer M., Motto M. 1992 Cluster analysis of RFLP data … Lire la suite

Greek Landraces

Greek Maize Landraces The Greek Restricted Maize National Core Collection consist of 50 Greek landraces which represent the diversity in the entire collection of 255 landraces. The pictures below show the genetic diversity in this set.Click on a the small images to get a bigger one. GR-OP-012 GR-OP-015 GR-OP-016 GR-OP-017 GR-OP-019 GR-OP-021 GR-OP-030 GR-OP-037 GR-OP-041 … Lire la suite


EU Genres 088 Results Progress of the project Sofar, several aims of the project have been achieved. The following results will be presented: The European maize landraces genetic resources survey During the first year of the project the information provided by the participants made it possible to create an overview of maize landrace germplasm conservation … Lire la suite


EU Genres 088 Partners Expertise and role of the participants Coordination and Partner 1 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE (INRA)Unité Mixte de Recherche »Diversité et Génome des Plantes Cultivées »Domaine de Melgueil34130 MauguioFRANCE Coordinator : Jacques DALLARDTel : 33 4 67 29 06 17Fax : 33 4 67 29 39 90E.mail : Contact persons : … Lire la suite

Project Plan

EU Genres 088 Project Plan since 04/2000 English abstractFrench abstractProject objectivesBackground (General Objectives)Expected benefitsBasic workschemeExpected resultsDiffusion of results English abstract The GENRES 088 program, financed by the European Union, aims to constitute a European network (Germany, Spain, France, Greece,Italy, Netherlands, Portugal) for the conservation, evaluation and the use of the population varieties of maïze, cultivated … Lire la suite

EU Genres 088

EU Genres 088 Implementation of the European network for evaluation, conservation and utilisation of European maize landraces genetic resources Click on the image to enter the projectsite.