
Project members

NameFunction / InstitutionE-Mail / Phone
Vincent RANWEZProfessor /  Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAPvincent.ranwez@supagro.fr
+33 (0) 499 612 875
Yan HOLTZMontpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAPyan.holtz.data@gmail.com
Gautier SARAHINRA – Montpellier   UMR AGAPgautier.sarah@cirad.fr
Morgane ARDISSONINRA – Montpellier   UMR AGAPMorgane.Ardisson@inra.fr
+33 (0) 499 612 252
Sylvain SANTONIINRA – Montpellier   UMR AGAPSylvain.Santoni@inra.fr
+33 (0) 499 612 745
Sylvain GLEMINCNRS Researcher /  ECOBIOsylvain.glemin@univ-rennes1.fr
Muriel TAVAUD-PIRRALecturer /  Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAPMuriel.Tavaud@supagro.fr
+33 (0) 499 612 515
Jacques DAVIDProfessor /  Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAPJacques.David@supagro.fr
+33 (0) 499 612 296


We would like to thank François Lechevallier for developing and maintaining this Website. Olivier Guillaume and Aziz Moussa also contributed, through short student projects, to this work.


This work was partially funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche Investissements d’avenir / Bioinformatique: ANR-10-BINF-01-02, Ancestrome. YH was granted by the flagship project Agropolis Resource Center for Crop Conservation, Adaptation and Diversity (ARCAD) funded by the Agropolis Fondation. INRA funded the data production through its Actions Incitatives program (EPO project). Sequencing used to validate this tool was kindly performed on the HiSeq2000 sequencer at the Montpellier Genomix (http://www.mgx.cnrs.fr) sequencing facility.