
SuperTriplets installation and fundamental usage 1. Program installation SuperTriplets is really easy to install. Just download the jar file of the latest release of SuperTriplets (e.g. SuperTriplets_v1.1.jar) on your computer. Note that JAVA (JRE above 1.5) should be installed on your computer (download JAVA ). SuperTriplets is command line only so if you double click … Lire la suite


Project members Name Function / Institution E-Mail / Phone Vincent RANWEZ Professor /  Institut Agro Montpellier    UMR AGAP (0)4 32 72 22 71 Emmanuel J. P. DOUZERY Professor /  ISEM   UMR AGAP (0) 467 144 863 Alexis CRISCUOLO Research engineer /  Pasteur   GIPhy pole XX+33 (0) 144 389 166


Latest release of SuperTriplets SuperTriplets_v1.1.jar usage: Small example input files Two newick example files containing 10 trees from release v.1 of the OrthoMaM database (10 input trees inferred from orthologous markers satisfying the following requirements: species number ≤ 10, rate heterogeneity a ≥ 1, and GC3 content ≥ 80%). Older releases of SuperTriplets SuperTriplets_v0.31.jar Datasets … Lire la suite


Citing SuperTriplets If you find SuperTriplets useful, please cite:Ranwez V, Criscuolo A, Douzery EJP. SuperTriplets: a triplet-based supertree approach to phylogenomics. Bioinformatics. 2010 Jun 15;26(12):i115-23. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq196. PMID: 20529895; PMCID: PMC2881381.PLoS One 2011, 6(9): e22594.

SuperTriplets quickstart

SuperTriplets installation and fundamental usage 1. Program installation SuperTriplets is really easy to install. Just download the jar file of the latest release of SuperTriplets (e.g. SuperTriplets_v1.1.jar) on your computer. Note that JAVA (JRE above 1.5) should be installed on your computer (download JAVA ). SuperTriplets is command line only so if you double click … Lire la suite


SuperTriplets is a triplet-based supertree approach to phylogenomics. It infers supertrees with branch support values. Phylogenetic tree-building methods use molecular data to describe the evolutionary relationships among genes and taxa, and to infer biodiversity evolutionary patterns. A recurrent problem is to reconcile the various phylogenies built from different genomic sequences into a single one. SuperTriplets … Lire la suite