
Releases Online webserver You can test the Genetic Map Comparator online (release 1.00). Release history (and associated files) Release 1.00December 2016 First release of the Genetic Map Comparator associated to the bioinformatics publication: The Genetic Map Comparator: a user-friendly application to display and compare genetic maps. Y. Holtz, J. David and Vincent Ranwez. Bioinformatics (2017) 33(9): 1387-1388.


Project members The Genetic Map Comparator has been developped by 3 researchers from Montpellier Supagro: Name Function / Institution E-Mail / Phone Yan HOLTZ Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAP Jacques DAVID Professor /  Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAP (0) 499 612 296 Vincent RANWEZ Professor /  Montpellier SupAgro   UMR AGAP (0) 499 612 875 Acknowledgements We would … Lire la suite


Citing the Genetic Map Comparator If you find The Genetic Map Comparator useful, please cite: The Genetic Map Comparator: a user-friendly application to display and compare genetic maps.Yan Holtz, Jacques David, Vincent Ranwez, Bioinformatics (2017) 33(9): 1387-1388 .


Tutorial Input Format The Genetic map comparator is able to import map files produced by most commonly used software for linkage analysis (e.g. Carthagene and JoinMap). Each map must be stored in its own file and all data files stored together in one specific folder. Use the upload facility of the home page to browse … Lire la suite

Genetic Map Comparator

Genetic Map Comparator The Genetic Map Comparator is an R Shiny application made to compare genetic maps. You can use it trough the online version or run it locally using a simple procedure detailed on the dedicated GitHub project. . Once your dataset is uploaded you can explore it using the various sheets accessible via … Lire la suite